Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Utah Dream.

Within a matter of one year I moved from job to job. Slowly, ever so slowly I started to climb the ladder. I started at a car wash cleaning out candy stains in mini vans, then to a seasonal cherry processing job (the smell still haunts me to this day..), also a receptionist job at some messed up drug rehab (all three at once, believe it or not). Two short weeks later I was at a fancy restaurant in a more posh neighborhood ran by rich, stuck up snobs.. Ha, I guess that's not my scene either, although, I did stay there for seven months. Then there was the department store. Oh yes, another seven months.

I've been working at a bank for, you've guessed it, going on seven months. It's a wonderful environment and (most of) the people are great! It's what I've always wanted to do and it's what I've always DREAMED of I'm just not sure it's what I'm still dreaming of.

Maybe this is cliche, living in Provo and all... but I really, REALLY want to just be a full-time stay at home mom! Disclaimer: Husband will be needed at some point. I guess that means I'll have to keep on working until the day I just so happen to find my Prince Charming. Until then, you will probably find me on pinterest...planning my wedding.

Besides, at the end of the day isn't that what it's all about? Coming home after work to a loving family (or roommate family in my case) full of good conversation, tasty food, hard laughs and great company. Maybe it's just the Utah state of mind getting to me. But I'm not complaining. :)