Friday, May 24, 2013

My SCARY Imagination!

During scary movies is one thing...but then you have to face the dark and all the unknown that comes with it, including your imagination. All through my growing up years, I'll bet I had seen EVERY scary movie out there! I grew up watching South Park (the alien episodes especially), The X-Files, all Friday the 13th movies, and everything else that was scary. Between my uncle Max who had every scary movie under the sun, my friend Nate who thrives off of everything sick and twisted, and my dad who grew up with that life style as well, I was more than covered with my fair share of scary movies.
 I was so scared of everything! Including behind the shower curtain and under the car! I'm not affirming this but there might be a very small chance that I'm still afraid... Not because of anything that I've really seen, of course, but because of my stinkin' (well fed) imagination! It runs wild and there is nothing I can really do about it! What kind of running wild, one might ask? Ha, well I have a few examples.
It was way back when I lived in Pleasant Grove. I was pretty young but still loved to cook. I remember holding a pot of Mac-N-Cheese and facing the hallway. Nobody else was in the room or anywhere near me for that matter. I had previously learned that an elderly couple had died in that apartment (could be a false rumor) and that right there gave my imagination the wheels to start turning. I stood there while made up images ran through my mind of someone rounding the corner, someone I didn't know. Not sure where this thought came from! I then imagined that I dropped my macaroni! Oh no! I became terrified as if this actually happened! What if someone DID just come out of the bedrooms that nobody knew was there? It weighed on my mind so much that when my 7th grade drama teacher gave us an assignment of turning an experience into an act I somehow convinced my group to reenact my imagination! It only took a couple of days after the act was over for me to realize how incredibly stupid that must have been. I just might still be only a little embarrassed to this day.

There were a few years where I took every opportunity I could get to watch scary movies! I loved the thrills and the twists! One could easily say that I was obsessed. Most of the scary movie marathons were held at Nate's home which was just a few blocks away from my house. The movie would end and I would assume everything was okay. But then I had to face the dark. I had to drive home alone! I all of the sudden lost all courage that ever crept into my tiny, little body. What if someone was in my car? What if someone was under my car?? What would I do!? A hop, jump, and a leap into the drivers seat I quickly turn on every light in the entire car to check the back seat. My heart is pounding, ready to expect the worst... Phew... The coast is clear. Now, all I had to do was drive up the street. Easy, right?
As I'm driving up the road I catch something moving in my car out of the corner of my eye. It was my imagination! Nothing was really there! Oh then there it is again! Of course I'm freaking out by then. Turns out it was just the shadow from the street lamp posts. I called my sister about half way home. She was super mad at me for waking her up and would NOT be so great and meet me outside of the house to walk me in! So I called mom. She was in bed too. Go figure. The lights were all off outside of the house and all I had were my headlights. But how would I be able to get inside the safe house without leaving the car and its lights on? Think, Mercedes... Oh! When the garage opens a light turns on! Sweet. But, the garage is super scary. Do I really want to do this? I open the garage and something big and black comes running my way! It barks and jumps on the drivers' side window!
What the heck?? Just then my step dad, Brandon comes outside to see what all the noise is about. He flicks on the front lights and his face is covered in horror mixed with confusion as he sees me absolutely terrified and still in the car after a good half hour of being home. I mustered up the confidence to open the door then to bend down and pet the dog that basically saved me by getting Brandon's attention.
Just then, a car drives by and yells something. I'm not sure who it was, what they said, or really what happened. The next thing I remember is seeing this RED CIRCLE come straight to my face! I felt like I was in a dream. No night could ever be this bad. I turned my face while doing this weird inhale scream thing. Something hit my face and I wasn't sure if it was wet or if I was bawling. My step dad CRACKS UP laughing! I literally curled up in a ball and tried to catch my breath. I was so scared.  ....
It took me a few minutes to gather myself and remember all the poor people I've nailed with water balloons. It sure scared the freak out of me! Congrats to whoever did it though, you picked the perfect night to scare someone! I'm so glad I can laugh about this night when at the time I thought it was so traumatic!
That was the Summer I quit watching scary movies. Not just because of that but because I'm pretty sure the house that I lived in after that was straight up haunted. But that's another story for another time! No more scary movies for me EVER AGAIN! go with all of this...I've learned my lesson on water ballooning. It's only fun if you know it's coming! :-/ And don't worry, my imagination has calmed down. Let's hope!

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